Last week I said I would:

- Meet with the remaining people affected by the org changes (almost done - met with all but 1 of my new direct reports)
- Plan a communications meeting for my newly enlarged team (not done yet)
- Help present to a visiting executive who is starting a new project in the Dublin lab (done)
- Finalize the plans for Portal and Mashup Maker to move to the latest Sametime API (Not done. The technical direction and who will do the work has been clarified, but still not clear on when the work will be done)
- Continue high level discussions with Lotus Connections about how the two products can work together better. (meeting held - but no plan yet)
- Help with testing ST 8.5.1 on Linux - particularly Pulse Audio support (done - but have not yet got a stable enough build to roll out to a wider Beta)
- Discuss with Sametime team the possibility of changing the Sametime Linux kit build process and install process to match what has been requested by the Open Client team. (discussion held - but no decision yet on future plans)
- Blog about my experiences of using Remember the Milk and then switch back to using Notes ToDos with following the advice from David Allen's guide(done)
- Created PBC goals and shared them via IBM internal blog.
- Started using BlueTwitSidebar (which is only available inside IBM) - I will write up my experiences soon
- Plan a communications meeting for my newly enlarged team
- Help all of my team get PBC goals written up.
- Finalize the plans for Portal and Mashup Maker to move to the latest Sametime API.
- Try to get a clear plan on Lotus Connections about how the two products can work together better.
- Help with testing ST 8.5.1 on Linux - particularly Pulse Audio support
- Discuss with Sametime team the possibility of changing the Sametime Linux kit build process and install process to match what has been requested by the Open Client team. (discussion held - but no decision yet on future plans)
- Continue using Notes as a GTD tracking system (but will wait a further week before blogging about experience)
- Blog about using BlueTwitSidebar

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